2023 in 365 photos
2023 in 365 photos
In 2023 again I've imposed on myself to take one photo a day for 365 days.
The tedious challenge has remained an exciting way to document my year. This is a visual record of the mundane moments, the special moments, and everything else that occurred in between. In 2023 brought many changes for me. After spending 6 years in Berlin I have embarked on a new adventure, moving into a new place to call home with Elke in Amsterdam.
The purpose of this project is less about achieving photographic perfection. I was more focused on giving you a glance at my daily life instead of anything that flexes my creative muscles (if I even developed them yet).
Same as it was for the 2021 project, this year’s project is a very personal project, that will serve as a way of reminding me of core moments of that time. Doing this project on film allowed me to go explore my surroundings, and push myself to go out with a camera regularly. After receiving the photos, months later after finishing the rolls, allowed me to look back in time, evoke memories I might have forgotten, remember places I have been and moments I spent with friends and loved ones.
I would like to thank everyone who helped me by posing in front of the camera for this project. I hope you have as much fun looking at the 365 daily photos as I had taking them during the year.