Welcome on nicolas.cool

A website built by Nicolas to share some of my photos I find cool

2023 in 365 photos

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  • Euskal Herria

    Euskal Herria

    Nestled between Spain and France, betweeb mountains and ocean, the Basque Country offers a unique blend of cultures, stunning landscapes, and cuisine. From the calm beaches, busy streets of Biarritz to the trendy surf spots, discover a collection of colourful scenes of a Basque summer.

  • Mallorca

    November Bliss in Mallorca

    Discovering Mallorca's November magic was a revelation. Far from the summer crowds, the island's tranquil beauty and mild weather created an idyllic holiday retreat. From Palma's historic streets to serene beaches, each moment unfolded as a hidden gem.

    Enjoy Mallorca's off-season allure, captured beautifully on Kodak Portra 400 film

  • (G)rainy Amsterdam

    A collection of photos taken in Amsterdam during my two and a half months there between March and May. Photos were taken on various black and white analog film stocks.

    The first part of the Amsterdam series focuses on the early weeks of my stay, where I was looking to create a moody atmosphere, with a lot of grain, high contrast, and depicting the spontaneity of living in a large city.